Tuesday 10 July 2012

Essay the best or worst holiday

When a person is writing about essay the best or worst holiday he or she should think of the holiday that is best remembered regardless of whether the holiday experience were bad or good.

What is important is what the person can remember for him to be able to write the holiday essay. Although some experiences are heart breaking to be remembered they may be of great interest to others when shared through essay writing. Many people have influenced the lives of others after sharing their holiday experiences whether the experiences were bad or were good.

The “life experience magazine” provides well writen essays and some of the essays are different people holiday experiences that are so taching. Some of the essays talk of how someone met his or her spouse durring the summer holiday or how their wedding ceremony was held during the December holiday.

These are good holoday experiences. Others talk of how they were robbed after going for holiday and the traggic road accidents that they experienced as they were enjoying themselves over the holiday. These are examples of worst holiday experiences but the people who read these experiences draw many things from them. Writing these essays especially when the essays are to be examined should be guided by how well you remember the experience but not how influencing is in your life.

There are people who never go for holidays thus they have nothing to tell concerning holidays. Thus such people on imagine things or write others experiences in their essays. If the teacher needs real life experiences then there are cases whereby the students do not write essays based on real life experiences because holiday to them is a dream.