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Saturday, 14 September 2019
Employment and Social Care Worker Essay
All employees receive a contract of employment within several weeks or before starting a new post. A contract of employment discloses information witch together make up the terms and conditions of the individuals employment, such information includes names of the employer and employee, the scale, rate and frequency of wages, hours of work and any conditions relating to these, job tittle and disruption, place of work and the length of notice to terminate employment. For example within the contract of employment it will state how many hours of work per week the employee will undertake, if the employee fails to comply with these conditions it could lead to disciplinary action or termination of the contract by the employer. Describe the information shown on own payslip. Information that is show on a payslip includes: Payments, Deductions, National Insurance number, Bank Account details, Tax code, Annual salary/ hourly rate, Payroll reference and Pay date. Payment and deductions are shown on a payslip so the individual can see how much they have earned since their last payslip and how much of that pay has been deducted, it is also shown so that if there is a mistake in the amount that has been paid or deducted from them the individual can resolve the problem through the appropriate means. By law every employee has a certain amount deducted from their wages; this covers National insurance and income tax and any other deduction that have been agreed with the employer such as pension contributions. Identify two changes to personal information that must be kept up to date with the employer. Information on employees that must be kept up to date includes, the employee’s home address, Work, home and mobile number and all emergency/ next of Kin contact details. Details such as the employees work home and mobile number must be kept up to date with the employer, if such detail are not kept up to date, and there is an emergency that requires the employees to attend, other employees and the employer will not be able to get hold of the individual as quickly as is needed witch may result in disciplinary action if there was a fatality. It is the employee’s responsibility to update and change any of their own personal information and to inform the manager/employer about such changes. Describe the procedure to follow in the event of a grievance. According to the OCC (Oxfordshire County Council) Resolving Grievances policy the procedure to follow in the event of a grievance is as follows; Employees should aim to resolve most if not all grievances informally. This is done by the employee talking to their line manager or person concerned, such as a service user. The employee should explain clearly what the problem/concern is, and with little disruption the employee should also aim to resolve disputes through discussion and seek to understand the views and perspective of those involved. It is the responsibility of all employees and managers to try and resolve disputes and problems as quickly as possible. If a grievance can not be resolved informally then there is a formal grievance procedure to follow. This involves filling out a grievance form, a ‘written statement for the purpose of the grievance meeting and any investigation. This form is then sent to the employee’s line manager and a copied to the HR management advice team, who will send a letter of conformation of the receipt of the grievance. After this a formal grievance meeting will be arranged, this will involve the employee who filled out the grievance form, the grievance manager and a HR advisor. It is the job of the grievance manager to decide what actions to take at the end of the meeting, this may be that the grievance manager adjourns the meeting to conduct an investigation to obtain more information or they may decide to put in place actions to resolve the matter. Explain agreed ways of working with the employer in the following areas: -Data Protection At ADTS (Abingdon Daytime Support) there are procedures to follow when writing in individuals support notes, to keep their confidentiality. When writing support notes, staff at ADTS make sure that the information they are writing is relevant to that individual, and if other service users need to be mentioned staff are to use their initials and not their full names. -Grievance At ADTS, staffs use an OCC ‘resolving grievances’ policy to resolve any grievance or complaints they may have. This policy states that staffs are to, at first try and resolve the grievance informally, by talking to the individual(s) involved and try to understand each individual’s perspective and put in place actions, such as control measure, to resolve the grievance. If the grievance cannot be resolved informally, staffs are to resolve the grievance formally by arranging a grievance meeting and following actions, stated in the policy to resolve the grievance as quickly as possible and with little distress to those involved. -Conflict Management -Anti-discriminatory practice Staffs, at ADTS, follow OCC policies such as, ‘equality and diversity’ to provide a seamless service which includes all individuals not matter how demanding their needs may be. Staffs at ADTS are encouraged to adapted games and activities for each individual, so that they can join in every activity possible. For example, Staff at ADTS take GE (a service user who attends the day service) Bowling with a small group of more abled service users, GE users a wheelchair to mobilise and has little mobility control over his limbs. -Health and safety At ADTS, staffs follow a local heath and safety policy as well as the OCC Health and Safety policy parts 1, 2 and 3. Part 1 is the general heath and safety policy, part 2 is health and safety for management and part 3 is health and safety for day services. -Confidentiality At ADTS staffs follow the Data protection Act and the OCC ‘confidentiality statement’ to comply legally and respectfully to individuals confidentiality. The confidentiality statement and Data protection Act state that Information should only be shared on a need to know basis, For example if a support worker needed to disclose any information to an individuals GP then the support worker must ensure that the information they give is relevant and only necessary information is given. If staff disclosed information that the GP did not need to know, then that staff member has broken the individuals confidentiality and may face disciplinary actions. -Whistle blowing Explain how own work role contributes to the overall delivery of the service provided. As a social care worker, what you do within the workplace affects the overall service. For example if social care workers put in place a good working practice then the effect on the service overall is a positive one, this is because a good working practices means that the social care worker works with person centred approaches, to make sure the service provided is a inclusive and friendly, leaving service users felling positive and valued as a person. Alternatively as a social care worker, what you do within the workplace can have a negative affect on the overall service provided. For example if a social care worker does not follow a good working practice or doesn’t comply with a policy or procedure then there is a negative affect on the overall service, this may be through negligence, failure to follow a procedure may leave an individual without the appropriate support they need, leading to their need not being met and leaving the individual themselves feeling undervalued and disrespected.
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